By filling in any participant application form, you are agreeing to the following:

I will be at The Clophill Centre, Bedfordshire, England, by 5pm at the latest on Wednesday August 6th and will remain on site until 1pm on Tuesday August 12th. I know that not being on site during these times will adversely affect the depth of my experience and learning.

When there is the invitation for personal or depth sharing, I agree to respect the confidentiality of all participants and staff – I will keep their names, their remarks and experiences confidential. This agreement does not preclude me from freely sharing my experience with anyone I choose, as long as the confidentiality of the other participants and staff is maintained.

I understand that the Connection Camp is an event that is potentially transformative and that any experience I have on the course will be greatly improved by a clear head and heart. I also understand that this means I might be unusually affected by alcohol and/or recreational drugs.
Therefore I agree to significantly lower or abstain altogether from alcohol and recreational drugs for 24 hours before the camp begins. During the camp, I will abstain altogether from alcohol and recreational drugs.

I take responsibility for consulting with a medical doctor, counsellor or therapist concerning any known or potential physical or mental condition that I have for the purpose of getting medical permission and support to participate in the training. I assume the risk, by this consent, of any illness during the training, and hereby release the Connection Camp staff and Nature Culture Network CIC from liability in this respect.